I often find myself reflecting on my journey as an entrepreneur. The desire for freedom—both in life and in work—was what drove me to take the plunge, leave the safety net of a stable job, and risk everything to start something of my own. The allure of being my own boss, calling the shots, and creating something meaningful was simply too powerful to ignore. But let me be honest: entrepreneurship is not a journey for the faint-hearted. It's not a fairy tale where you get freedom, wealth, and success all served on a silver platter. The freedom you earn comes at a price, and that price is often paid in sleepless nights, countless sacrifices, and enduring stress.
This article is not just another generic piece about how great entrepreneurship is. It’s a deep dive into my personal experiences, the struggles I’ve faced, and why I still believe freedom is the greatest perk of being an entrepreneur. If you’re someone considering this path or if you’re already on it and feeling a bit lost, I hope my journey will resonate with you.

The Comfort Trap: Breaking Free from the Corporate Treadmill
Before I started my first company, I was in a cushy corporate job. To the outside world, I was successful. I was making a decent salary, had a comfortable routine, and enjoyed the perks that came with the job. But deep down, I was miserable. My alarm would go off at 6:30 a.m., and I’d stare at the ceiling, dreading the day ahead. I felt like I was sleepwalking through life—going through the motions, fulfilling someone else's vision, and chasing targets that meant nothing to me personally.